Monday, November 14, 2011

Do you frame mash?!

Some fabulous examples of how to display your frames, photos and art!
I love a good collage of stuff!
It is very rare that you will find a lone item or picture hanging in my house.
Everyone needs a friend or two, to hang out with!

(Get it, hang?)

This reminds me of a European restaurant for some reason

GREAT idea!

Kardashian hallway?


Cozy clutter

Art collector

Frames in frames

My hallway!

Do you cluster your frames together too?


  1. I'm a total frame masher. The main collage in my house is a mish-mash of different colored frames and different sizes. I love it!

  2. I LOVE the tree one!!!!!! That's so beautiful!

  3. i have a small wall full of different frames, pics and mirrors (even a door knob). All in different colors (gold, green, antiqued white/silver, brown, etc.) i definitely consider it a "cozy clutter". :)

  4. I've been itching to do a photo wall, but I'm lazy...


Only words of niceness