Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom & A Dinner Party

Happy Friday!
Today is my Mom's birthday!
Ma-I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am to have you around. 
You have been an inspiration to me and I hope I can be just as wonderful of a mother one day as you are to me.
I love you very much and am so lucky to have you in my life.
Happy Birthday!

Mom and me

Little Mom

Over the weekend, we had a traveling family dinner to celebrate.
The meal started at my house where we had soup!
Then onto the parent's house for a main course.
Finally to my sister's house for dessert and a holiday movie!

Of course I was a horrible blogger and didn't take any photos of our meal or us!
But, I did snap a shot of the dinning room after I set it all up!
I got to use the wedding china.
For the first time.

Not too shabby.

The soup I made was delish and super easy.
Here is the recipe.
It's Rachel Ray!

Make it!


  1. Thank you my sweet girl! I love "little mom". So funny. Every mom should be as lucky as me.

  2. I just made this soup! I couldn't find a block of white cheddar cheese, or even pre-shredded! Just slices so I used Sharp Cheddar instead.. It's delish!! nom.

  3. I had a hard time finding the cheese too. I ended up buying a package of presliced "snack" pieces of white cheddar. I'm sure Trader Joes would have it though.


Only words of niceness