Friday, December 2, 2011

Holiday Wish List!

Have you started you Christmas list yet?
You don’t make a list, because you are an adult?
That’s poppycock.
A year hasn’t gone by that this spoiled little girl has forgotten to make a list.

A Christmas list is important for me to ensure that I get all the gifts that I need for the holiday season!

How else are people suppose to know that I want the new MAC eyes shadow in Mulch, Patina & Purple Haze and not another Slap Chop?!

Ok, ok I’m not that self centered.

Buuuuuut, my mother, yes, my mother, encourages me to make a list , so that she doesn’t spend her hard earned money on shake weights and Snuggies that I will never use. 
 So, you see, it isn’t all my idea.
Someone else put me up to my selfishness.

By nature , I am a list maker though.
 I make lists daily and update and add to them throughout the week.
Lists of what I need to do, chores, groceries.
If I don’t put it on my list, I will forget.

Anyway, on to shopping.

Here are the items I have so far on my Wish list for this holiday season!

 I have them all on Amazon, in case any of you want to send me a gift, you are more than welcome! ( Again, just kidding.)
No, but seriously.

What is on your list this year??


  1. Thanks for reminding me to put make-up brushes on my list! I make one every year too... For my mom mostly. And Brady.

  2. I made one too. Because I feel the same way...I don't like knicknacks, and I'm not beyond returning stuff ;)

    I'm putting that flannel shirt on my list. It looks cozy!

  3. I love that plaid shirt and peacoat, and all the lululemon stuff of course :)

  4. Thank you! I feel the same way as your mother about a list! I don't want to waste my money on someone else and I don't want them to waste their money on me! But I got told I was too structured for doing this!


Only words of niceness