Monday, February 17, 2014

And I just died.

Okay maybe not died... but I am closer to death. 
Closer than I have ever been before.
 I am turning 30.
I am not sure how this is possible.
 My stretch marks and puffy eyes say  " It's possible"
Thanks body, but don't give up on me now. 
I still have a few more decades to go. 

For the big event I planned a party at a German Bar & Restaurant in Seattle. 

Here is my list of prepare for the day things:
Book the upstairs mezzanine space (which is just a fancy word for large balcony)
Ordered snacks 
Invite lots of friends who I want to come out and make bad decisions with me
Make a cake
Get a new party dress
Make a hair and make up appointment
Go tanning( more on that later, I know it's horrible)
Make a fun a banner.
Make treat swag bags for the guests
 bedazzle candles for my cake
And most importantly, get balloons.

This better go off without a hitch or I better be too trashed to know any different. 

Here are my inspiration photos:

Gotta wait for my next post to see how it turned out! 


Only words of niceness