Thursday, February 6, 2014

sugar sugar

It was a cold desperate morning.
I awoke with a screaming child and hungry cat.
I made my usual cup of Joe and sleepily reached for the creamer.
The toxic chemical ridden delicious taste of my peppermint mocha coffee mate.
I have been trying to kick it for years ....but 

"I just can't quit you!"

I keep it in the fridge, but sadly it doesn't even contain dairy, so what does it matter.
The routine just keeps my mind fooled, fooled that what I add to my coffee every morning, day in and day out, isn't giving me cancer. 
It's like liquid cigarettes that I don't smoke. 
It's like meth in a bottle.
That rock I keep smokin'. 
That foil I keep toastin'. 
That spoon I keep heatin'.

Okay, maybe that's a little bit of an exaggeration.
 But, I'm addicted.
So when I realized the bottle was empty and I was all out, I needed another score.
So I scrounged the cupboards and came up with my own concoction.

I am sure there are a million recipes for this on Pinterest already, but here is what I used. 
Three items I already had and DAMN, it was good! 
Like sweet sweet sugary elixir mixed into my mug.
Try it.

Also coconut milk mixed in would be delightful too.
Obviously this doesn't have the shelf life of the Coffee Mate, but ya know, if you are a stay at home Mom like me.... you have all the time in the world on your hands to mix a batch up!



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Only words of niceness