Thursday, April 24, 2014

What's in your basket?

First of all, I hope everyone had a nice 420 Easter and nobody ran short on munchies.
And by munchies, I mean Easter ham and deviled eggs.
What were you thinkin'?!

Yes, this is an actual magnet off my fridge. I live on the wild side.

Last year the Easter Bunny thew together a little basket for Clark. 

It's a family tradition.
I have gotten an Easter basket my whole life (and still do.) 
Yes, I'm a bit spoiled when it comes to holidays.
Hey, I'm the baby. Gotta love me.
I really don't remember what was in last years basket.
The Easter bunny didn't put a whole lot of thought into it.
Hopefully it got written down in the baby book.
 Clark wasn't even walking yet, like he would know any different if it was a crappy Easter or not.

This year, the Easter Bunny has been collecting things for a few weeks though.
Mom of the year award right here.


Easter morning spread

Adorable felt fox basket, mini shovel, Too Cool for School Cat book - Target 
Paper Sesame Street Easter " grass" & K.T. Cat ( Both Brand new in Package)-Goodwill
Chicken Dance singing Key chain - Han's Delicatessen
Large Glitter Bouncy Ball- QFC

From Grandma Bunny

Black Lab Book End & socks - Fred Meyer
Ritter Sport & German Bier - Hans Delicatessen
Dark Chocolate PB Cups- Trader Joes

And Mine

(Don't feel bad, I know for a minute you thought my husband did this and you were all " Awww man, my husband needs to get his sh*t together." But Relax,it was from my Mom. 

A few pictures from our Easter Sunday

Clark collecting hidden eggs

Aunty & Clark

Hey, where's the candy?!

Yes, my parents happen to have a Merry-Go-Round in their yard

Clark's favorite toy, the hose nozzle 

Adults love it too

My cousins

Clark & Grandma





Happy Easter!
Hope the ringing in your ears stops soon, dear.

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