Monday, July 7, 2014

Fiesta like there's no manana

For Clark's second Birthday this year we had a Fiesta Themed party.
Even though Clark has no idea what that is and doesn't really even favor Mexican food.
I just thought it would be cute and it's not like he really knows what is going on anyway.
Bad Mom award here.
I tried to make up for it with a school bus cake.
 He is kind of obsessed with buses. 
And in case you are wondering, he loved the cake.
So there. 

Best of all, we had nice weather so we were able to be outside.
Which is a lot more fun now because we finished our backyard!

Time for some gifts!

Tennis racket & pajamas 

Lawn Mower!

Snuggling up in the new Ninja Turtles blanket

Clark got a recorder, drum and guitar

Aunt Claudia playing the recorder

Clark being totally impressed

The cake

Bentley in her Sombrero 

I made most of the decor from tissue paper

 I had big plans for a Pinata' but they were later squashed by Steve when he pointed out that we weren't inviting any other children to this party and it would be kind of weird and pointless.
So, we skipped that.

Thumbs up

Sun dancing 

Adult Drinking

Tequila soaked watermelon chunks filled the leftover shells of my pineapples!
Keepin' it green and recycling ya know.

Clark got a super cool sandbox from Oma & Grandpa!
The lid folds out into bench seats.

Happy 2nd Birthday Clark!

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