Monday, September 12, 2011

The blonde files

Only took me 11 months (and $85.00 an apt... you do the math) to finally get the blonde of my dreams.
 This is how light I wanted it to be.

Beginning to End

I started with solid black

August 2010

October 2010

November 2010

December 2010

January 2011

February 2011

March 2011 ( with pink extensions)

April 2011

May 2011

June 2011

 July 2011

August 2011

My hairdresser doesn't want to take it any lighter, but I want to go one more shade!
Taking this long to lift the color was disappointing and now that it is finally how I (almost) want it, I'm pretty much over it.
I don't understand why this was such a long process, since I have watched facebook "friends" and celebrities go from dark to blonde to dark again in a mater of a few weeks.
 I get that we didn't want to fry my hair and have it all fall out, but there has to be a faster way!


  1. Ugh, transition time stresses me out. It takes me about 6-7 months to get back to blonde, but just like you said, by the time I get there I am over it!

    I love the blonde on you! But I'm super jealous of how pretty your natural color is, I could never go that dark...

  2. Thank you!!! I just can't believe it took this long!

  3. My fav is your hair dark. But I really love how it looks now! It's so stylish and fun!

    I also like March, super cute.

    And I just have to say, I love the August pic! hahaha

    But no matter how your hair looks, you are so beautiful, you can rock anything!


Only words of niceness